University of Exeter GREAT Scholarship 2021 - AHZ
Published Date : 25 February 2021
Category : Education Options
The British Council, in association with GREAT Britain, is offering scholarships for international students. The University of Exeter has declared to give 30 scholarships this year. It is the GREAT Scholarship 2021 for international students.
The University of Exeter is a public university and is well known for its world-class research. It is committed to providing outstanding educational quality. Being a member of the UK’s elite Russell Group of research-intensive universities, Exeter is globally famous for higher education.
The GREAT Scholarships 2021 will encourage students from ten countries to earn top-rated degrees from the UK.
1. China
2. Egypt
3. Ghana
4. India
5. Indonesia
6. Kenya
7. Malaysia
8. Mexico
9. Pakistan and
10. Thailand
Eligible students can access these University of Exeter Scholarships for a wide range of post-graduate programs. The value of the awards is £10,000. Students who are pursuing one-year postgraduate study at Exeter in an eligible program can get the opportunity.
• University of Exeter-GREAT Scholarships of 2021 CHINA
Subjects- Humanities / Sport and Health Sciences or Geography / Engineering, Mining or Geology
• University of Exeter – GREAT Scholarships of 2021 EGYPT
Subjects- Social Sciences and International Studies)
• University of Exeter – GREAT Scholarships of 2021 GHANA
Subjects- Mining or Geology
• University of Exeter – GREAT Scholarships 2021 INDIA
Subjects- Social Sciences and International Studies / Sport and Health Sciences or Geography / Renewable Energy
• University of Exeter – GREAT Scholarships of 2021 INDONESIA
Subjects- Psychology / Renewable Energy, Mining or Geology
• University of Exeter – GREAT Scholarships of 2021 KENYA
Subjects- Mining or Geology
• University of Exeter – GREAT Scholarships MALAYSIA
Subjects- Psychology or Geography / Computer Science or Mathematics
• University of Exeter – GREAT Scholarships MEXICO
Subjects- Management
• University of Exeter – GREAT Scholarships PAKISTAN
Subjects- Humanities / Psychology / Computer Science, Mining or Geology
• University of Exeter – GREAT Scholarships THAILAND
Subjects- Psychology / Computer Science or Mathematics
Partnered Universities
Global Counsellors